Monday, October 29, 2012

Ahhhh...Productivity Feels Good

It was one of those days that I love and I wish that I had more of them every week.  Lately the weekends have been busy and I mostly feel like I am recuperating from the busy week at work.   Today, I surprisingly did not have to work because of Hurricane Sandy.  I found out last night, which was great!  I slept for 10 hours...went to the gym...cleaned the house...finished my book cover and the last of the edits to my book.  Amazingly, I did not loose power like other friends and family that live near me.

I wish I could have more days like this.  A number of schools and businesses near me are already closed for tomorrow.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for another productive day :)

Monday, October 22, 2012


So...I finally started my blog after months of dragging my feet.  There really was no reason to delay, except for the fact that life gets busy and I kept putting everything on hold.  After years of writing snippets for no one other than myself,  my husband encouraged me to expand my writings and become an Indie Author. 

At first I though he was crazy, but he gave me a push that I needed.  He could see how happy I was when I was writing and he always pushes me when I need it.  I love writing erotica stories and to be honest there are only 5 very special and important people that know besides my husband.  It really isn't something that I feel I can share with many individuals.  Maybe someday, but for now I have a big secret that no one will know about.

My first story, Snowbound Submissive, is complete and I just finished formatting so it can be uploaded.  I have my cover picked out and I am currently working on finishing the design.  So I am close, but since this is my first time, I feel like everything is taking me longer.  Also working a full time job eats a chunk of my time and energy.  If anyone has advice as an Indie Author, I would love to hear your suggestions. 

I will do a post about Snowbound Submissive just before publishing.   Living in the North East, I love being stuck at home one or two times in the winter with a huge storm.  As you can imagine, things can get naughty ;)...yum.