Monday, December 10, 2012

Schedule....Completely Thrown Out

I am not sure where the time has gone since I have not blogged since November.  I really want to be blogging at least once a week, but before Thanksgiving everything became busy or busier than usual.

Between my day job, exercise, family, friends, surprise parties (2 of these are in December) preparing for Christmas, shopping, Christmas cards, celebrating a 40th wedding anniversary, cooking and having a slew of family over for Christmas Eve along with a ski weekend for New Years, I would say I am booked.  I am still trying to keep my daily schedule for continuing with the 2nd book of Snowbound Submissive, but it has been much slower than normal.  I feel like whenever I sit down and continue writing, I am exhausted most nights.  I am going to try and stick to my schedule as much as possible, but it is disapointing that I am not moving along as quickly as I would like. :(